Lots of mileage today...
Total: 2.7km - 1 hour
Warm up: 300 as 75 swim/25 drills
4 x 50 breathing exercice alternating 3 and 5 - R:20 sec
18 x 100 free with fins alternating 75 swim - 25 kick and 25 kick - 75 swim
1 @2:10 – 1@2:00 - 1@1:50
1 @2:10 – 1@2:00 - 2@1:50
1 @2:10 – 1@2:00 - 3@1:50
1 @2:10 – 1@2:00 - 4@1:50
2 x 100 25 drill - 75 swim
4 x 50 as 25 no breathing - 25 dolphin kick on the back.